Arm Care For Baseball

April 12, 2023

Here are some general arm care ideas that may be beneficial for baseball players. However, do keep in mind that different practices will work better for some than others, and it’s important to try new ideas, but also try them long enough to be confident in the outcome.

1. Warm-Up and Cool-Down

Properly warming up before throwing will help prepare the arm for throwing. Warm-up exercises may include band work, dynamic stretching, and progressive intensity of throwing. Trying to throw gas from the first throw isn’t going to set your arm up for success.

2. Strength and Conditioning

Developing strength and robustness will improve stability and reduce the risk of injury. Strengthening should occur at both a global level (upper body compound pushing and pulling exercises) as well as a local level, such as rotator cuff and scapular strength.

3. Throwing Mechanics

Developing more efficient throwing mechanics can help reduce stress on the arm and prevent overuse injuries. Coaches can provide guidance on proper throwing techniques, including proper grip, arm slot, and follow-through.

4. Rest and Recovery

Giving the arm adequate rest and recovery time between throwing sessions or games is crucial for arm health. Avoiding excessive throwing, taking regular breaks, and following recommended pitch counts and rest periods can help prevent overuse injuries.

5. Flexibility Exercises

Maintaining good flexibility in the shoulder, elbow, and wrist can help improve range of motion and reduce the risk of injury. Regular stretching exercises for the shoulder, forearm, and wrist will be especially helpful.

6. Listening to Your Body

Paying attention to any signs of discomfort, pain, or fatigue in the arm and seeking medical attention when needed is important. Ignoring pain or pushing through discomfort can increase the risk of injury. Make sure to seek advice from a quality physiotherapist if you notice negative changes whilst throwing.

Remember that arm care for baseball is a comprehensive approach that includes a combination of warm-up, strengthening, rest, mechanics, flexibility, listening to your body, and maintaining good overall health. Working with strength and conditioning coaches and physiotherapists who specialise in sporting performance will help provide individual solutions that will have you throwing your hardest and feeling your best.

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